
Air mata itu......

Farewell party semalam bikin aku pengen nulis ini...

As a friend from the Marine Science Coordinator memutuskan untuk melanjutkan karirnya di tempat lain..jadi temen2 sekantor mau bikin farewell party. So then we picked Massimo Il Ristorante di Sanur...karena banyak yang pengen makan pasta-pasta.
Secara kami tau kalau tempatnya suka penuh banget.....makanya di reserve dolo untuk 11 seats. Samapi disana....kami duduk....sekian banyak waitress/waiters sliwar sliwer..kagak ada yg nyodokin daftar menunya ke kami...dongkol donk ah..malah dicuekin:((..muka kami kurang bule kali yeeeeeeee....blehhh!!@@@##$$$
And then we have to wait for almost 1,5 hours for our orders to be served on the table!!!

But I don't want to talk about the services...it is something else....

Melihat hidangan di meja (ada salad..pizza...raviolli...rawon...lho kok rawon?..hhihihihih..seriously, ada yg pesen rawon....and me?? hahahahah!!!lebih parah for I ordered balinese food:))..meskipun appetizernya italiano)..aku jadi inget kejadian beberapa hari yang lalu......
Sepulang dari belanja belanja isi kulkas ditemenin pengawas kost2an (entah kenapa kami jadi kaya sodara..suka pergi bareng2)...it was almost 22.30 hours dan kami belum makan. Akhirnya aku putuskan beli fast food deh. I picked Gourmet Wrap that time, and she ordered rice and fried chicken..2 pax, she said itu untuk sepupu perempuanya yang dapat tugas malam di sebuah mini market dan akan menginap di rumah.
Sampai di kost2an rupanya si Iluh (nama sepupunya) sudah menunggu, berhubung sudah lapar so we just grabbed our dinner right away.
Aku kaget liat si Iluh nangis sambil makan...waktu ditanya kenapa, dia bilang terima kasih banyak sudah membelikan dia makan malam nasi dan fried chicken...seumur-umur baru kali ini katanya dia makan itu.
Astagfirullah!!, aku kagett..shock...rasanya ada yg nampar mukaku deh!! Pengawas kost sering cerita bahwa Iluh ini keluarganya tidak mampu..tapi aku ga menyangka kalau paket nasi putih dan ayam goreng itu begitu luar biasa sampai membuatnya terharu. Itu makanan yang buat sebagian besar orang sudah umum...and I picked that beacuse it's already too late to find the food that I wanted.
Miris juga....
Shock...menyadari begitu banyak hal yang sudah kuraih..namun rasanya kurang dan ingin lebih..sedang dilain pihak ada orang2 yang begitu tidak berdaya..menjalani hidup apa adanya.
Ini membawaku pada rasa syukur yang teramat sangat pada Gusti Allah....

Menemukan "SURGA" di Taman Nasional Komodo

Di Pulau Komodo, anda tak hanya bisa bertemu langsung dengan binatang purba tersebut. Di sini, anda juga bisa menikmati keindahan "surga" bawah laut............................

Itu kata pembukaan pada sebuah artikel dalam Majalah Femina Edisi Tahuan 2008 yang ditulis oleh Heryus Saputro...

I met him a day before he departed for Labuan Bajo-Komodo in the office.
Thanks Pak Heryus for the article...buat yang lain..ayooo beli...supaya tahu pengalaman Pak Heryus...

I want to post the our current big event of the Dec 15, the soft opening of the Tourism Facilities in Loh Liang Komodo National Park. Tapi belum ada foto2 yang bisa di post...tunggu ya...



Research application (one month process):
1. Researcher fill in application through LIPI on-line system (www.lipi.go.id/foreignresearcher) and attached documents required
2. One research approved, LIPI will release permit letter and research visa
3. Permit letter should be sent to DG PHKA for PHKA release SIMAKSI (permit to enter the Park)

Exporting sample:
1. Researcher send application letter to
Jl. H. Juanda No. 18 Bogor, INDONESIA
(requesting to bring sample out from INDONESIA with mentioning sample specification)
CC the letter to:
Director General Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA)
Ministry of Forestry
Blok I/Lt 8 Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270
Tel 62 (0) 5731783, 5734818
Fax 62 (0) 21 5734818, 573343
2. LIPI will release recommendation letter to PHKA
3. PHKA will release Collection Permit letter


All researchers intend to do research in Komodo National Park should fulfil below requirement:
A. Foreign Researcher
1. Submit application letter to:
Secretary General
Directorate General Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA)
Blok I/Lt 8 Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270
Tel 62 (0) 21 5730316, 5724848, 5734818
Fax 62 (0) 21 5733437, 5730315
2. Submit paperwork as attachment to application letter as follows:
§ Research permit from LIPI (www.lipi.go.id/foreignresearcher)
§ Research proposal
§ Copy Passport
§ Acknowledgement letter from Republic Indonesia Home Affairs Department
§ Statement letter for not destructing environment and agreement to follow
implemented rules and regulations.

B. Indonesian Researcher
1. Submit application letter to:
Direktur Kawasan Konservasi
Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (PHKA)
Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti, Lt. 8
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan
Tel 62 (0) 21 5731783
Kepala Balai Taman Nasional Komodo
Jl. Kasimo, Labuan Bajo
Manggarai Barat – Nusa Tenggara Timar 86554
Tel 62 (0) 385 41005, Fax 62 (0) 385 41006


For filming and commercial photography, there are requirement should be fulfilled:
a.Recommendation letter from Ministry of Tourism and Culture, please contact:
Director-General for Marketing
Ministry Tourism and Culture
Sapta Pesona Building
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 17
Jakarta – INDONESIA 10110
Tel. +62 21 383 8167
Fax. +62 21 384 9715
b. Film synopsis
c. List equipment will be used
d. Crew list
e. Copy passport
f. Statement letter for not harming environment and agreement to
follow regulations implement in the Park.
Indonesian film maker and photographer should submit all requirements to:
Direktur Kawasan Konservasi
Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (PHKA)
Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti, Lt. 8
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan
Tel 62 (0) 21 5731783
Kepala Balai Taman Nasional Komodo
Jl. Kasimo, Labuan Bajo
Manggarai Barat – Nusa Tenggara Timar 86554
Tel 62 (0) 385 41005, Fax 62 (0) 385 41006

Foreign film maker and photographer should request a permit and submit all requirements to
Secretary General
Directorate General Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA)
Blok I/Lt 8 Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270
Tel 62 (0) 21 5730316, 5724848, 5734818
Fax 62 (0) 21 5733437, 5730315
Direktur Kawasan Konservasi
Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (PHKA)
Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti, Lt. 8
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan
Tel 62 (0) 21 5731783
Kepala Balai Taman Nasional Komodo
Jl. Kasimo, Labuan Bajo
Manggarai Barat – Nusa Tenggara Timar 86554
Tel 62 (0) 385 41005, Fax 62 (0) 385 41006


Here it is detail Trip Cost to Komodo National Park....

A.1. Transportation
a. Ticket per pax, return Rp 1,300,000.00
b. Local transport rent car per day Rp 350,000.00
c. Speed boat gasoline per day trip Rp 3,500,000.00

A.2. Accommodation
a. Hotel per pax, daily Rp 450,000.00
b. Meals per pax, daily Rp 100,000.00

A.3. Fee
a. Contribution to Conservation Fund per pax 1-3 days Rp 142,500.00
b. Manggarai Barat Compensation Fee per pax 1-3 days Rp 20,000.00
c. National Park Entrance Fee per pax 1-3 days Rp 20,000.00


To go to Komodo National Park, there are modes of transportation:
A. To Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai
1. Boat
a. Live-a-board cruise; there are some operators which serve KNP tour
(e.g.: Sea Safari, Grand Komodo, Dive Komodo, Seven Seas, etc)
b. PELNI ferry – Tilong Kabila; depart from Benoa harbor to Labuan Bajo port

2. Flight
a. Merpati; fly to Labuan Bajo Tuesday and Thursday, depart on 8.20
b. Indonesia Air Trans (IAT); daily depart on 10.00
c. Trigana Air; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, depart on 10.15
3. Overland; taking bus to Mataram – Lombok, Bima – Sumbawa,
Labuan Bajo – Flores.

B. To the Park
1. Charter local boat; can be chartered solely for you,
or arrange a joined trip with others to Komodo Island or Rinca Island.

In the Park, you cannot drive a jeep or ride motorcycle. Some trails are short only 2-4 km, the longest is only 8 km. But you can drive a jeep in Flores, the mainland.


My first project: Community Based Avian Influenza Control in Badung, Klungkung, Buleleng, and Jembrana (BALI)

I am happy to share the project concept here.....sejauh ini baru di 4 Kabupaten seperti disebutkan di judul...I wish I could continue this to all over Bali. I wish I could share some pictures from the activities also...tapi belum ada yang setor kesini...perhaps later this week.

Di Indonesia pada bulan Januari 2004 terjadi kasus kematian ayam ternak yang luar biasa (terutama di Bali, Botabek, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Kalimantan Barat dan Jawa Barat). Departemen Pertanian menegaskan kalau kematian massal unggas tersebut disebabkan oleh virus flu burung (Avian influenza (AI)). Jumlah unggas yang mati akibat wabah penyakit flu burung di 10 propinsi di Indonesia sangat besar yaitu 3.842.275 ekor (4,77%) dan yang paling tinggi jumlah kematiannya adalah propinsi Jawa Barat (1.541.427 ekor). Pada bulan Juli 2005, penyakit flu burung telah merenggut tiga orang nyawa warga Tangerang Banten, hal ini didasarkan pada hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Depkes Jakarta dan laboratorium rujukan WHO di Hongkong. Waktu demi waktu kasus kematian ternak semakin bertambah dan sangat sulit mendeteksi perjalanan virus yang menyebar sangat cepat. Demikian juga kematian semakin bertambah terjadi pada manusia. Memperhatikan kenyataan ini, maka masyarakat perlu mewaspadai adanya penyakit flu burung dan memulai pencegahan secara massal untuk tidak terjadinya penyebaran pada manusia.

Avian Influenza telah menjadi masalah penting secara nasional dewasa ini. Pemerintah dan beberapa Organisasi Internasional telah melibatkan diri untuk melakukan pencegahan penyebaran lebih awal. Penyebaran informasi melalui media massa dan aplikasi disinfektans pada target penyebaran virus Avian Influenza telah dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah yang bekerjasama dengan pihak Organisasi Internasional. Sebagai organisasi lokal, kami juga menaruh perhatian yang besar terhadap hal tersebut. Kami merancang sebuah proyek untuk mendukung program nasional dalam melakukan kontrol terhadap penyebaran Avian Influenza. Aktivitas akan ditekankan pada penyebaran informasi melalui sekolah dengan target dampak pada kelompok masyarakat di sekitar sekolah. Menumbuhkan pemahaman dan persepsi terhadap virus Avian Influenza diharapkan dapat membangkitkan kesadaran dikalangan anak-anak sekolah, guru dan kelompok masyarakat disekitar sekolah.

Beberapa dasar pemikiran pentingnya institusi sekolah, terutama pada kelompok target anak-anak sekolah dan guru, untuk dilibatkan dalam pencegahan penyebaran virus Avian Influenza adalah :

a) Anak-anak sekolah di luar lingkungan sekolah adalah juga anggota masyarakat dan sebagian besar menjadi anggota pemuda dilingkungannya. Informasi tentang virus Avian Influenza yang diperoleh di sekolah diharapkan juga akan disebarkan pada anggota kelompok pemuda lainnya di lingkungannya.
b) Anak-anak sekolah adalah juga sebagai anggota keluarga yang memiliki ikatan emosional dengan orang tua mereka sehingga dalam berbagai motif tindakan orang tua atau keluarga adalah juga untuk kepentingan proteksi bagi anak-anak mereka. Perilaku yang sehat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit adalah motif melindungi keluarga oleh orang tua mereka.
c) Anak-anak sekolah sebagai anggota keluarga memiliki pengaruh yang sama besarnya dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk hal-hal tertentu, terutama yang terkait dengan kehidupan sehari-hari terkait dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan informasi yang mereka peroleh dalam pendidikan. Diharapkan informasi, pemahaman, persepsi, kesadaran terhadap penyebaran dan pencegahan virus Avian Influenza juga akan mempengaruhi keputusan keluarga, terutama orang tua mereka, untuk bertindak dan berperilaku sehari-hari ke arah yang positif.
d) Anak-anak sekolah sebagai anggota keluarga adalah juga tenaga kerja keluarga yang memiliki kontribusi ekonomis terhadap penghasilan keluarga. Kesadaran dan pemahaman praktis dalam kesehatan dan pencegahan Avian Influenza juga akan mempengaruhi perilaku dalam proses aktivitas produksi untuk memenuhi motif ekonomi keluarga.
e) Dalam masyarakat, anak-anak sekolah menjadi model bagi perilaku dalam mengantisipasi perubahan di masa mendatang. Perilaku sehari-hari dalam kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit, diharapkan juga menjadi model bagi anak-anak sekolah dan kaum muda di luar sekolah, serta pada anggota masyarakat lainnya, karena hal itu dipandang sebagai model bagi perubahan ke arah kemajuan.
f) Anak-anak sekolah setingkat SMA dan yang menjadi anggota aktif PMR adalah anak-anak sekolah yang dianggap mampu dalam berkomunikasi, berdialog, memiliki minat yang tinggi dalam pelayanan masyarakat, serta mereka telah terbiasa dengan tindakan aktif di bidang pelayanan karena mereka telah terlatih dan berpengalaman dalam aktivitas serupa yang diperoleh dalam program PMR.
g) Anak-anak sekolah juga merupakan konsumen yang potensial di lingkungan sekolah maupun di luar sekolah untuk bentuk-bentuk barang atau produksi yang menggunakan bahan-bahan yang berpotensi menyebarkan virus Avian Influenza. Pemahaman dan kesadaran anak-anak sekolah tentang kesehatan juga diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dan mampu mempengaruhi produsen ke arah munculnya kesadaran dan persepsi yang sama tentang hal tersebut.
Para guru di sekoah adalah sosok panutan bagi anak-anak sekolah dan menjadi pembimbing bagi anak-anak sekolah ke arah perilaku yang positif. Menumbuhkan kesadaran dan melibatkan para guru dalam aktivitas penyebaran informasi tentang pencegahan virus Avian Influenza diharapkan dapat mempercepat pemahaman dan bangkitnya kesadaran pada anak didik di sekolah.

Selama ini, belum pernah dikembangkan model pelayanan partisipatif melalui dunia pendidikan dengan menyertakan unsur sekolah sebagai basis yang potensial, khususnya dalam membangkitkan kesadaran terhadap dampak penyebaran dan pencegahan virus Avian Influenza. Oleh karena itu diperlukan keterlibatan sekolah, dalam aktivitas desiminasi, training, penyuluhan, demonstrasi, dalam menumbuhkan kesadaran pada masyarakat secara luas, baik itu petani, kepala rumah tangga, anak-anak sekolah dilingkungannya, terkait dengan pencegahan dan dampak meluasnya serangan Avian Influenza, di pedesaan atau dipinggiran perkotaan.

Tim Pelatih Inti.Ditetapkan satu tim pelatih (trainer) inti yang berasal dari Dinas Peternakan, Dinas Kesehatan dan Dinas Pendidikan serta beberapa pelatih untuk materi pendukung yang diberikan oleh Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP), Balai Penyidikan Veteriner, Dinas Sosial, serta dari Dinas-Dinas terkait tingkat kabupaten. Calon pelatih inti ditunjuk oleh masing-masing institusi (Dinas).
Pelatihan Tim Pelatih Tingkat Sekolah. Tim pelatih inti memberikan pelatihan pada calon pelatih di tingkat sekolah. Calon pelatih di tingkat sekolah adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) yang telah ditetapkan sebagai target kegiatan yang dibimbing oleh guru-guru sekolah. Sebanyak 20 orang siswa sekolah yang dipilih dan ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah mengikuti pelatihan dengan didampingi oleh 4 orang guru sekolah. Calon pelatih di tingkat sekolah diutamakan para siswa yang juga aktif dalam kegiatan kepramukaan.


Pelatihan di sekolah dilaksanakan di sekolah di masing-masing sekolah target kegiatan dan dikelola oleh pihak sekolah. Tim pelatih inti memberikan seluruh materi yang dibutuhkan. Pelatihan dilaksanakan selama 2 hari dengan jadwal yang ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah.
Siswa sekolah yang telah memperoleh pelatihan dan telah ditunjuk menjadi pelatih untuk selanjutnya menyampaikan,menyebarkan seluruh materi kepada siswa lainnya dalam sekolah masing-masing. Pihak sekolah dan guru pendamping mengelola seluruh jadwal penyebaran informasi yang disampaikan melalui masing-masing klas.
Siswa sekolah yang telah menjadi pelatih juga memberikan pelatihan, penyuluhan, kepada kelompok masyarakat di luar sekolah didampingi oleh guru pendamping serta tim pelatih inti.
Dari 20 orang siswa pelatih dibagi menjadi 4 group sehingga masing-masing group terdiri atas 5 orang siswa pelatih. Masing-masing group tersebut memberikan pelatihan kepada satu kelompok masyarakat di sekitar sekolah dalam satu wilayah desa atau kecamatan.
Masing-masing group tersebut membuat plot demonstrasi pada kelompok masyarakat yang diberikan pelatih atau penyuluhan.
Seluruh jadwal kegiatan dan obyek penyebaran informasi pada kelompok masyarakat ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah.
Dalam setiap pelatihan di tingkat sekolah dilaksanakan pre test dan post test sebagai bahan evaluasi pemahaman siswa calon pelatih terhadap materi yang diberikan sebelum dan sesudah memperoleh pelatihan.

Penyuluhan dan Plot Demonstrasi

Pihak sekolah, Dinas terkait yang terlibat dan fasilitator menetapkan obyek kelompok masyarakat disekitar sekolah ( dalam wilayah desa atau kecamatan) sebagai lokasi target penyuluhan dan plot demonstrasi.
Siswa pelatih serta guru pedamping, tim pelatih inti memberikan pelatihan serta membentuk plot demonstrasi.
Anggota kelompok target mengikuti kegiatan demonstrasi yang terkait dengan pencegahan virus flu burung pada satu lokasi yang telah ditetapkan
Kelompok masyarakat target menetapkan satu lokasi rumah tangga sebagai tempat percontohan yang selanjutnya dikembangkan menjadi rumah tangga contoh model pencegahan virus flu burung. Rumah contoh ini selanjutnya akan menjadi obyek kunjungan tempat berlatih atau berlajar bagi
Penyuluhan dilaksanakan selama 2 hari yaitu 1 hari untuk penyampaian materi dan 1 hari untuk kegiatan demonstrasi.
Jadwal penyuluhan dan demonstrasi disusun dan ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah dan dibantu oleh fasilitator serta Tim pelatih Inti.

Pendampingan Kelompok Masyarakat

Fasilitator (dari pihak pelaksana proyek) dan Tim pelatih Inti melakukan pendampingan terhadap kelompok masyarakat serta sekolah dalam keberlanjutan pemanfaatan dan kontrol plot demonstrasi selama kegiatan proyek


Akhirnya nge blog juga:D...awalnya takut ga sempat posting apa-apa..tapi di coba saja. Baru launch yang ngunjungin blog nya pada protes..kenapa pake bahasa Inggris???kagak ngerti!!@@$$333**4..and bla bla bla.....
Ya maaf....aku posting tentang Komodo National Park...sebagai tujuan wisata dunia. Kalau aku posting dalam bahasa Bali, berapa seh orang Bali yang berniat pergi sampe ke Flores?:D..Kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia, nanti maksud dari "wisata dunia" nya ga masuk:D...pastinya banyak dunk orang Indonesia yang berbahasa Inggris...

For sure...this blog will use English, Bahasa Indonesia...dan Bahasa Bali juga...tergantung kebutuhannya.




Loh Buaya (Crocodile Bay) on the island of Rinca is one of only two developed visitor sites in Komodo National Park. It provides you with a good cross section of the park’s unique World Heritage resources and is the most convenient destination for a single day visit.


Short Walking Tours: Dragons and Such

Half hour “short trek”
If you have only a short time, or you are not prepared, this short loop passes by an artificial water source where Komodo lizards might be seen and ascends a small hill for fine views of the bay.

One Hour “medium trek” A good choice which includes a long shaded section through dry forest where Komodo lizards sometimes are seen guarding their nests, and about 20 minutes climbing hot exposed slopes for a magnificent view over the local area and far beyond.

Two Hour “long trek” The best opportunity to see Komodo lizards and their prey (deer, wild pig and water buffalo) extends the medium trek with a visit to a permanent water hole, longer steep exposed sections and the same viewpoint.

Longer Walking Tours: Off the Beaten Path

If making a second visit, or staying overnight on a boat nearby, you can choose a full day walk and experience Rinca’s extensive dry savannahs and stunning vistas over the coastline and adjacent small islands. There are chances to see Komodo lizards but also the rarer wild horses. The round trip distance to Loh (bay) Kima is 6km (3 .6mi) and requires 4-5hrs. To Kolo Gede round trip is 8km (4.8mi) and takes 5-6hrs. However, both treks can be extremely hot and are best broken into morning and evening sections, with a mid-day rest in some shaded spot.

Natural History: Ancient dragons and their prey

Varanus komodoensis, the world’s largest, and most ancient lizard, is an effective predator as well as a scavenger, feeding primarily on Timor deer, but also on wild pig and water buffalo. Weighing as much as 60kg (120lbs) adults are too heavy to climb trees and are relatively slow moving so typically lie in wait for their prey, whereas medium sized dragons can run 20km (12mi) per hour and actively chase intended victims. Prey animals which are not killed outright die soon from massive infection caused by virulent bacteria in the dragon’s saliva. Dead or dying prey can be detected by the lizard’s incredibly keen sense of smell from 3-4km (1.8-2.4mi) away. Female dragons may mate with several males, who fight mock battles to win access to them; 15-30 eggs often laid in the inactive nests of ground-dwelling megapod birds and guarded over by the female for several months hatch out tiny dragons after 225 days. Hatchlings immediately climb trees to avoid being eaten by cannibalistic older dragons and live there for several years, feeding on geckos and birds’ eggs. Like other reptiles the dragons must regulate their body temperature by moving in and out of the sun, therefore preferring the mixed sun and shade of the dry forest to the very hot savannah. Active only during the day, the lizards must first warm up by lying in the sun each morning.

Bigger Picture: A unique ecosystem in balance

Komodo dragons are considered endangered because they are found only in these few islands within the park, but their population of about 2500 is actually healthy and stable. That is due in part to effective protection within the park, but primarily because the lizards are part of a highly evolved, isolated and stable ecosystem which contains a major predator (the dragons), well-adapted prey species, and vegetation which sustains that prey. Disturbance of the delicate balance between these elements (when illegal hunters remove deer or leave wild dogs which compete for prey or even eat young dragons, or burn the grassland) are major concerns for park managers.

Coral Reefs and Mangroves

A trip to Loh Buaya provides a great opportunity to expand your understanding of the rich marine life included within park boundaries. According to sea conditions and tides-which can result in fast currents-your boatman and guide can choose a little island or bay to stop by for lunch and a snorkel as you return to Labuan Bajo.

One likely stop is an Island at the head of Loh Buaya where, accompanied by a guide, strong swimmers can snorkel completely around the little island, whose coral reef is in near-pristine condition. This fringing reef is typical around Komodo’s shores and nearby islands, and this one demonstrates branching coral growth along the northwest corner off the little beach. There are examples of steep walls which scuba divers favor; Green or Hawksbill sea turtles are sometimes seen, and a few majestic stands of uncommon branching blue-black coral are off the eastern tip.

Nearby you can snorkel in shallow water among roots of mangrove trees. Few visitors get an opportunity to explore this important component of Komodo’s marine ecosystem, where juvenile (younger) fish spend most of their time before moving to deeper reefs. A fascinating assortment of oysters, sponges, algae, tiny shrimps and other invertebrates attached to the roots await close inspection. Mangrove fringes protect shorelines from erosion and provide home to crab eating macaques (monkeys) and-in some places-daytime hangouts for huge fruit eating bats called flying foxes.

For a final stop on a full day’s adventure you may have time at Bidadari Island, outside the park. There is a white sandy beach and the reef has a great display of fish species, but it also illustrates damage from destructive bomb fishing which is a major treat to long-term health of reefs in Indonesia.


Komodo National Park (KNP), the last remaining habitat of the Komodo dragon, is one of the most unique and beautiful places on the planet. It’s also widely recognized as an outstanding storehouse of globally significant terrestrial and marine biodiversity; situated as it is in the heart of an area known to scientists and conservationists as the Coral Triangle, the area of the richest coral reef biodiversity in the world.

Loh Liang on the island of Komodo is one of only two developed visitor sites in Komodo National Park. It is sometimes visited in a single day trip from Labuan Bajo but it is better to plan on several nights, sleeping on a live-aboard boat so that you can return several times.

Please remember that you are in a national park, where collecting and removing any objects is prohibited. Also realize how difficult it is to deal with trash in this remote place, and take back everything you brought (including empty bottles) to Labuan Bajo for disposal.

For your own safety-and the protection of the park-visitors must be accompanied by park rangers or guides at all times. Meet them at the visitor reception area, where you or your own tour leader will pay park entry fees if they have not been paid in advance.
Rangers and guides are your best source of information but their English language skills are limited.
Even short walks here involve uneven rocky trails and exposure to very hot sun. Good walking shoes, a hat, shirt, sunscreen and plenty of water are essential.

Short Walking Tours: Dragons in the dry forest

Half hour 1km “short trek”
If you have only a short time, or you are not prepared, this short loop passes through a short section of dry forest before ascending Frigate hill for a memorable view over the beach. Dragon lizards are likely to be seen only near buildings in the developed area.

One and half hour 3km “medium trek”
This intermediate loop includes a long shaded section through dry forest and an artificial waterhole, where the presence of Timor deer and wild pig raise your chances of seeing dragons in the wild. The second section involves a short climb, sometimes in very hot sun, for a great view over the dry forest to Sulphurea Hill, a steep descent and final short climb over Frigate Hill.

Two and half hour 4.5km “long trek”
Of the short walks, this offers he best opportunity to see Komodo lizards and their prey. It extends the medium trek with a visit to an area where dragons were once routinely fed (at Banu Nggulung) and adds another short climb.

Note there are a few “shortcuts” not on the map which guides may choose if they feel it is appropriate.

Longer Walking Tours: Climbing high

If you have arranged to visit Loh Liang for several days, in addition to marine activities you can also chose among longer treks which wind higher and higher towards the interior. The Mt Ara route (10km/6mi) round trip may take 8hrs but can be shortened to a half day. Either option leads to spectacular views over Loh Liang and the rest of the park. The route to Poreng and Loh Sebita on Komodo’s northern shore is much longer but can be specially arranged. Any of the longer trips are rugged adventures requiring stiff climbs under very hot conditions, and are suitable for fit and well-prepared visitors. But they will provide unforgettable photographs and memories

Natural History: Komodo dragons and their home

Visiting Loh Liang over several days is a great opportunity to learn not only about the park’s namesake endangered lizard, largest (up to 70kg/154lbs) in the world, but how it has survived essentially unchanged for more than a million years. It is an effective predator as well as scavenger (eating dead meat). It is at the top of the local food chain, but being cannibalistic (eating it own kind), younger animals must be on the watch. Females lay 15-30 eggs, often in inactive nests of the rare orange footed scrub fowl and may watch over the nests for months to prevent pigs or other dragons from eating the eggs. After 7 months the eggs hatch and the tiny hatchlings must head quickly to a life in the trees, where they avoid predation by heavy adult dragons (who can’t climb), and feed on geckos and bird’s eggs.

Young dragons are colorful, making them better camouflaged in the trees, but assume their darker uniform grey brown as adults. Like all reptiles, dragons regulate their body temperature by moving from sun to shade; it takes several hours sunning in exposed locations in the morning before they are warm enough to move into the dry forest for daily hunting. At night, when it is somewhat cooler, they are comatose (nearly unconscious) and researchers can safely approach them. During their active daytime period humans must keep a safe distance and avoid being bitten since they have virulent bacteria in their saliva. In fact it is often infection which kills their prey several days after an attack which only wounds a deer or wild pig.

Lontar palms dot interior savannahs, birds like Sulfur crested cockatoos and giant green winged pigeons can be seen and heard morning and evening, and several varieties of poisonous snake may be encountered by visitors who make longer walks; nighttime “safaris” to closely and safely approach dragons can be fascinating windows into the full cycle of the island’s unique ecology.

Cultural and Social Awareness: Island residents

The national park’s boundaries include several human settlements, including its largest village called Kampung Komodo (population about 1300) located only a few kilometers west of Loh Liang. Primarily living from fishing for small squid and tiny schooling fishes (not reef-dwelling species), village residents speak their own language and have many traditional beliefs and myths about their arrival on Komodo in the relatively recent past. A Collaborative Management Initiative recently initiated seeks to involve villagers in management of the park and ensure they benefit from tourism attracted here to their home islands. Only Komodo residents are allowed to make and sell the handicrafts available in Loh Liang.

With special permission it is possible for visitors to make short excursions to the village.

The Marine Side: world class diving and snorkeling

Divers on specially-equipped live-aboard boats will be given much more information on dive sites, safety and marine activities. For snorklers there are fascinating beaches and shallow reefs which can be visited in half day trips or while returning to Labuan Bajo. Pantai Merah (Pink Beach) a few kilometers to the east has a beautiful sandy beach tinged pink with coral fragments and a reef of extraordinary diversity and color; Lusa Island in front of Komodo Village has beaches of the purest white sand imaginable; Bat Island west of the village not only hosts thousands of fruit bats milling about morning and evening but also has mangrove fringes which can be snorkeled, showing off yet another infrequently-visited component of Komodo’s uniquely rich marine resources. Trips to any of these areas can be arranged and are especially lovely early or late in the days when few if any other visitors will be encountered.