After almost 5 years working on the development field, identically related to the Non Government Organization (kalau orang nyebutnya LSM) Internationally or Nationally, the classic issues are always on maintaining the relation with the government who becomes the key stakeholder
I note several things that might be useful for partnership evaluation with GoI, - summary from several resources, especially for small organization.
Monitoring Evaluation toward a partnership program with GoI may be more to an Outcomes Evaluation. Outcomes place the greater emphasis on building strategic and effective partnership, underscoring that no single agency or development actor can produce the desired result on its own, or without ownership. The framework will require a change in mindset and behaviors among partners that is less focus on inputs and the implementation tasks and greater focus on the results.
The afore mentioned framework will come to: - Scope, and – Conduct.
Reviewing the essential performance and contribution of policy, program, project and partnership efforts towards the intended outcomes:
- Progress towards outcomes: analyzing periodically to what extent intended outcomes have actually been achieved or are being achieved. This will verify the achievement and explaining what works/does not work and why.
- Implementing agency contributions – in this case - contribution towards outcomes produced through advocacy, policy advice, activities, etc – analyzing if they are in the process of being produced as planned.
- Partnership strategy: ensure that partners who are concerned with outcomes have a common appreciation of problems and needs, and that they are synchronized in their strategy.
- Progress towards intended results and follow up with decision and action
- Regular reporting to partners presenting issues and seeking integrated solutions to problems.
- Integrated regular monitoring to validate progress
- Participatory to ensure commitment, ownership, follow up and feedback on performance
- Indicators of improving performance
- Assessment on relevance, performance and success
- Learning and improving to adapt strategies and generating lesson, and sharing them
I hope Betty will choose Gio..

Betty-Gio terlihat lebih seru ketimbang Betty-Henry
Written by: Tanner Stransky
On last night's season of Ugly Betty, which was very aptly titled ''Jump,'' Claire Meade — a font of good advice as of late — told Betty that she was too ''safe.'' Yes, Claire was talking about the aspiring editor's writing, specifically a piece she did for Hot Flash called ''Young at Any Age.'' But more than that, it was a comment on Betty's whole existence. For too long, Betty has played it safe. And it's the season finale, so what a great time to shake things up — and shake things off? (I'm looking at you, Henry.) My question: After these words of wisdom — and Betty's own realization that, yes, she doesn't take risks — why is she still even considering Henry's proposal? (All I have to say to Henry Grubstick, yet again, is How dare you?) Seeing as how it's essential for her to shake up her life (and, you know, shake up the series, too), a marriage to Henry and a move to Tucson would only be backtracking. Right? The answer: Natch! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
Honestly, though, I think that — despite his marriage proposal — we're close to the end of Henry Grubstick on this show. Unless he's planning to move back to New York permanently, we can cross these star-crossed lovers off our list. I know the show left us with a cliff-hanger — Betty's leaving her Queens nest, but is she headed to Rome with Gio or Tucson with Henry? — but Ugly Betty is not Ugly Betty without New York City. (Especially after the producers announced the production is moving from
Objectively speaking, isn't the Gio-Betty romance truly better than Henry-Betty anyway? When Henry appeared at her doorstep in Queens to propose, I started getting hives. He's in too much of a hurry, scurrying around like there's no time and he's too busy to think about what he's actually doing. Yeah, he's always had a nervousness about him, but it's spiraled to inordinate levels lately. I guess having a baby will do that to you. I'd already ranted about this in my TV Watch a couple weeks back, but Henry's presumption that Betty would just uproot her life to move and live with him in Tucson is ridiculous. What's the upside for her? Besides getting the now nervous Nelly known as Henry, nothing really. Yeah, Henry said he could get her a job as a writer at a magazine down there, but — news flash, Henry! — the publishing world is based in New York, and she's already writing for magazines. Well, sort of.
Sorry for devolving into Henry hatred (he's really not worth the, the bandwidth). Let's get back to Gio and Betty. In one scene this week, they were practicing softball in the park. After she had success with a few pop-fly hits, Gio said, ''See what you can do when you say yes to things?'' Awwwww — say yes to him, Betty! Gio asked Betty to go to Rome with him, which is obviously a huge deal. What I loved most about the whole sequence was that when they were lying there in the grass, Gio gave Betty a quick smooch on the lips. There's something so perfect and sweet about that — especially after he just asked her to go on a European excursion with him.
Thinking of the next step of my career

I haven't been writing on here for weeks....
I've been busy writing several project proposal for my foundation lately, and no result so far. Sometimes it feel kind of frustrating....God I need new source of fund to pay my staff and other operational cost. But,well..I understand it from the start that there will be situations like this. Got to stand tough:)
Thingking of my career now...and the dream I want to achieve, I feel it won't be in the same line. Like a friend said that it I was just wasting my capabilities here.....
Yeahh...short of speak, I've made up my mind to quit my current job. However,it isn't easy to sumbit it to my boss in a proper way.
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