Hehehehehe...not an impressive working desk haaaa?? Curious how could I work on that messy desk??? Don't ask me:P
Got a car that I ---- am supposed to be able to ---- drive
Ufffhhh, I have a car but still get taxi everyday to go any where I want. It is aneh, isn't it?? Yeahhh I still can't drive car...Bhoooooo..Bhooohoooo
Pay a driver??? Nooooo..I already have 3 staff to be paid every month!!! At least not now.....well..if I still couldn't be able to drive these 2 months...I may consider to get a driver. Which is sama sekali ga seruuuuuuuuuu:(
Leading without auhtority: How to influence others when you don't have "position power" (part 1)

Consider the last time you were in the situation where you had to influence or lead someone who held a higher rank, a loftier tittle or had more experience than you did. Chances are you shuddered at the thought, subconciously devaluated what you had to offer and, as a result, did little to persuade your team or audience to follow you.
But it didn't have to be that way. We all face situations where we asked to speak to, or lead, others who are higher on the food chain or have more formal authority than we possess. Perhaps you're a project manager asked to lead a temporary project team of high-ranking technical experts - and work with an internal sponsor "in charge" of the initiative. Maybe you're a human resource manager trying to sell a stingy chief financial officer on a new employee training program. Or it could be you're simply someone who regularly offers up ideas for improvement-only to see them go nowhere. The good news is there are proven ways to be more influential in situations when you don't have the "position power" to make people naturally pay attention or fall in line with your ideas.
Firstly, your ability should come across as authentic, knowledgeable and credible grows even more vital if you don't carry an impressive title or have vast experience.
If persuasion is your end game, there is no subtitute for mastering your subject matter or seeing a situation from your audience's eyes. If people believe your intent is to serve - be it other people, your own department or the organization as a whole - rather than advance your own career or agenda, they are more likely to ltrust you, believe in you and follow you, even if you don't have formal authority or a management title. An attitude of servant leadership gives you influence.
(to be continued....)
Managing Partnership with GoI (Government of Indonesia)
After almost 5 years working on the development field, identically related to the Non Government Organization (kalau orang nyebutnya LSM) Internationally or Nationally, the classic issues are always on maintaining the relation with the government who becomes the key stakeholder
I note several things that might be useful for partnership evaluation with GoI, - summary from several resources, especially for small organization.
Monitoring Evaluation toward a partnership program with GoI may be more to an Outcomes Evaluation. Outcomes place the greater emphasis on building strategic and effective partnership, underscoring that no single agency or development actor can produce the desired result on its own, or without ownership. The framework will require a change in mindset and behaviors among partners that is less focus on inputs and the implementation tasks and greater focus on the results.
The afore mentioned framework will come to: - Scope, and – Conduct.
Reviewing the essential performance and contribution of policy, program, project and partnership efforts towards the intended outcomes:
- Progress towards outcomes: analyzing periodically to what extent intended outcomes have actually been achieved or are being achieved. This will verify the achievement and explaining what works/does not work and why.
- Implementing agency contributions – in this case - contribution towards outcomes produced through advocacy, policy advice, activities, etc – analyzing if they are in the process of being produced as planned.
- Partnership strategy: ensure that partners who are concerned with outcomes have a common appreciation of problems and needs, and that they are synchronized in their strategy.
- Progress towards intended results and follow up with decision and action
- Regular reporting to partners presenting issues and seeking integrated solutions to problems.
- Integrated regular monitoring to validate progress
- Participatory to ensure commitment, ownership, follow up and feedback on performance
- Indicators of improving performance
- Assessment on relevance, performance and success
- Learning and improving to adapt strategies and generating lesson, and sharing them
I note several things that might be useful for partnership evaluation with GoI, - summary from several resources, especially for small organization.
Monitoring Evaluation toward a partnership program with GoI may be more to an Outcomes Evaluation. Outcomes place the greater emphasis on building strategic and effective partnership, underscoring that no single agency or development actor can produce the desired result on its own, or without ownership. The framework will require a change in mindset and behaviors among partners that is less focus on inputs and the implementation tasks and greater focus on the results.
The afore mentioned framework will come to: - Scope, and – Conduct.
Reviewing the essential performance and contribution of policy, program, project and partnership efforts towards the intended outcomes:
- Progress towards outcomes: analyzing periodically to what extent intended outcomes have actually been achieved or are being achieved. This will verify the achievement and explaining what works/does not work and why.
- Implementing agency contributions – in this case - contribution towards outcomes produced through advocacy, policy advice, activities, etc – analyzing if they are in the process of being produced as planned.
- Partnership strategy: ensure that partners who are concerned with outcomes have a common appreciation of problems and needs, and that they are synchronized in their strategy.
- Progress towards intended results and follow up with decision and action
- Regular reporting to partners presenting issues and seeking integrated solutions to problems.
- Integrated regular monitoring to validate progress
- Participatory to ensure commitment, ownership, follow up and feedback on performance
- Indicators of improving performance
- Assessment on relevance, performance and success
- Learning and improving to adapt strategies and generating lesson, and sharing them
I hope Betty will choose Gio..

Betty-Gio terlihat lebih seru ketimbang Betty-Henry
Written by: Tanner Stransky
On last night's season of Ugly Betty, which was very aptly titled ''Jump,'' Claire Meade — a font of good advice as of late — told Betty that she was too ''safe.'' Yes, Claire was talking about the aspiring editor's writing, specifically a piece she did for Hot Flash called ''Young at Any Age.'' But more than that, it was a comment on Betty's whole existence. For too long, Betty has played it safe. And it's the season finale, so what a great time to shake things up — and shake things off? (I'm looking at you, Henry.) My question: After these words of wisdom — and Betty's own realization that, yes, she doesn't take risks — why is she still even considering Henry's proposal? (All I have to say to Henry Grubstick, yet again, is How dare you?) Seeing as how it's essential for her to shake up her life (and, you know, shake up the series, too), a marriage to Henry and a move to Tucson would only be backtracking. Right? The answer: Natch! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
Honestly, though, I think that — despite his marriage proposal — we're close to the end of Henry Grubstick on this show. Unless he's planning to move back to New York permanently, we can cross these star-crossed lovers off our list. I know the show left us with a cliff-hanger — Betty's leaving her Queens nest, but is she headed to Rome with Gio or Tucson with Henry? — but Ugly Betty is not Ugly Betty without New York City. (Especially after the producers announced the production is moving from
Objectively speaking, isn't the Gio-Betty romance truly better than Henry-Betty anyway? When Henry appeared at her doorstep in Queens to propose, I started getting hives. He's in too much of a hurry, scurrying around like there's no time and he's too busy to think about what he's actually doing. Yeah, he's always had a nervousness about him, but it's spiraled to inordinate levels lately. I guess having a baby will do that to you. I'd already ranted about this in my TV Watch a couple weeks back, but Henry's presumption that Betty would just uproot her life to move and live with him in Tucson is ridiculous. What's the upside for her? Besides getting the now nervous Nelly known as Henry, nothing really. Yeah, Henry said he could get her a job as a writer at a magazine down there, but — news flash, Henry! — the publishing world is based in New York, and she's already writing for magazines. Well, sort of.
Sorry for devolving into Henry hatred (he's really not worth the ink...er, the bandwidth). Let's get back to Gio and Betty. In one scene this week, they were practicing softball in the park. After she had success with a few pop-fly hits, Gio said, ''See what you can do when you say yes to things?'' Awwwww — say yes to him, Betty! Gio asked Betty to go to Rome with him, which is obviously a huge deal. What I loved most about the whole sequence was that when they were lying there in the grass, Gio gave Betty a quick smooch on the lips. There's something so perfect and sweet about that — especially after he just asked her to go on a European excursion with him.
Thinking of the next step of my career

I haven't been writing on here for weeks....
I've been busy writing several project proposal for my foundation lately, and no result so far. Sometimes it feel kind of frustrating....God I need new source of fund to pay my staff and other operational cost. But,well..I understand it from the start that there will be situations like this. Got to stand tough:)
Thingking of my career now...and the dream I want to achieve, I feel it won't be in the same line. Like a friend said that it I was just wasting my capabilities here.....
Yeahh...short of speak, I've made up my mind to quit my current job. However,it isn't easy to sumbit it to my boss in a proper way.
Soal Calon Gubernur Bali yang baru...
Kadang2 aku suka mengikuti berita politik juga...
Sekarang ceritanya lagi mengikuti cerita tentang salah satu favorit masyarakat, Bapak Prof. Dr. drg. I Gede Winasa. Putra daerah satu ini sangat terkenal...sebagai Bupati kabupaten Jembrana, dengan gebrakan pendidikan dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis..juga pelayanan 1 atap dan kedisplinan jajaran pemerintah daerahnya membuat banyak daerah lain di Indonesia datang untuk melakukan studi banding. Gebrakan beliau juga mendatangkan banyak penghargaan.
Dan ketika si Bapak mencalonkan diri jadi Gubernur Provinsi Bali, banyak banged yang dukung. Sayangnya dari kendaraan politik nya, PDI Perjuangan, rekomendasi dari Ketua Umum Partai kabarnya jatuh ke paket Bapak Made Mangku Pastika (beliau ini asalnya dr kabupaten Buleleng). But then, Pak Winasa kemudian cari kendaraan baru neh..kalau ga salah Partai Demokrat......kalau ga salah ya....aku dengernya dari temen. Ralat kalau salah.
Yang jadi concern aku seh bukan siapa calonnya dan dari partai mana....aku cuman concern sama para pemilih...yaitu masyarakat Bali.
Jargon pendidikan gratis dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis aku rasa bener2 di telen bulat2....gak disaring dulu deh. Harapan masyarakat adalah pemimpin yang bisa menggratiskan biaya sekolah dan pelayanan kesehatan. Sekarang aku cuma ingin masyarakat kita bisa lebih smart dan kritis. Jangan asal ada gratisan trus rebutan.
Aku selalu bertanya dalam hati....sekolah yang gratis itu sampai mana kualitasnya?? Pelayanan kesehatan gratis tu sampai mana kualitasnya??.
Apa aku money oriented???
No!! aku cuma berusaha berpikir real.
Buku2 dan alat2 sekolah itu ga bisa ada begitu saja. Itu ada biaya produksi, distribusi dan lain2nya. Pelayanan kesehatan juga begitu. Setahuku banyak obat2 terutama yang generik itu dapat subsisdi pemerintah sehingga harganya murah sekali dan hampir2 gratis. Tapi rupanya pengobatan gratis itu ditangkapnya juga berlaku untuk penyakit yang berat2..dan kronis, yang butuh pengobatan tingkat tinggi. No way, pemerintah harus mengimportnya...dan itu butuh biaya...tidak bisa gratis. (Terkecuali ada dermawan yang terketuk hatinya untuk membantu, dan itu cukup sering terjadi).
Jadi ya.....menurutku...program pendidikan gratis dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis itu tidak bisa menjadi program mutlak....bagusnya program dampingan. Dan please bapak2 dan ibu2 yang ingin menjabat..jangan menjanjikan hal2 yang seperti ini ke masyarakat hanya demi dapat dukungan...nanti pas ditagih kebingungan lho...jadilah bapak dan ibu berbuat yang tidak2 karena bingung...
Masyarakat juga..sudah waktunya jadi masyarakat yang cerdas..bisa memilah-milah...jangan manja mengharapkan sesuatu yang gampang dan gratis. Kita juga salah seh suka membebankan semua ke pemerintah..bayangin, jajaran pemerintah dari pusat sampai ke desa2....jumlahnya dengan warga yang harus dilayani mungkin 1 : 1 juta.....
Bagaimana pemerintah ga bingung....kalau tiap ada musibah, seperti banjir misalnya..orang pada rame2 minta pemerintah bertanggung jawab...padahal ni ya...itu banjir karena mereka sndiri yang buang sampah sembarangan ke got atau ke sungai...mereka sndiri yang nebangin pohon2..lha kok ya minta pemerintah yang tanggung jawab??? Emangnya kalau lapar, mesti nunggu pemerintah nyuruh makan dulu?? Nggak kann??
Dosa masyarakat juga seh..:D..salah satu bentuk dosanya juga terpampang jelas lewat lembaga yang bernama Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat:D
Come on.. sudah waktunya nih...Indonesia beserta isinya bukan tanggung jawab bapak dan ibu yang berseragam....ini semua tanggung jawab every single person yang memegang Kartu Tanda Penduduk wilayah manapun di Indonesia. Tidak perlu memikirkan skala yg besar...cukup mulai dari hal2 kecil yg persis ada di depan mata kita. Cukup at least 1 hal saja...ndak usahlah mikir terlalu banyak, nanti jadi beban:). Kalau every single person di negara ini sadar akan hal itu...dikalikan jumlah populasi kita...trust me...it's amazing!!!
Sekarang ceritanya lagi mengikuti cerita tentang salah satu favorit masyarakat, Bapak Prof. Dr. drg. I Gede Winasa. Putra daerah satu ini sangat terkenal...sebagai Bupati kabupaten Jembrana, dengan gebrakan pendidikan dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis..juga pelayanan 1 atap dan kedisplinan jajaran pemerintah daerahnya membuat banyak daerah lain di Indonesia datang untuk melakukan studi banding. Gebrakan beliau juga mendatangkan banyak penghargaan.
Dan ketika si Bapak mencalonkan diri jadi Gubernur Provinsi Bali, banyak banged yang dukung. Sayangnya dari kendaraan politik nya, PDI Perjuangan, rekomendasi dari Ketua Umum Partai kabarnya jatuh ke paket Bapak Made Mangku Pastika (beliau ini asalnya dr kabupaten Buleleng). But then, Pak Winasa kemudian cari kendaraan baru neh..kalau ga salah Partai Demokrat......kalau ga salah ya....aku dengernya dari temen. Ralat kalau salah.
Yang jadi concern aku seh bukan siapa calonnya dan dari partai mana....aku cuman concern sama para pemilih...yaitu masyarakat Bali.
Jargon pendidikan gratis dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis aku rasa bener2 di telen bulat2....gak disaring dulu deh. Harapan masyarakat adalah pemimpin yang bisa menggratiskan biaya sekolah dan pelayanan kesehatan. Sekarang aku cuma ingin masyarakat kita bisa lebih smart dan kritis. Jangan asal ada gratisan trus rebutan.
Aku selalu bertanya dalam hati....sekolah yang gratis itu sampai mana kualitasnya?? Pelayanan kesehatan gratis tu sampai mana kualitasnya??.
Apa aku money oriented???
No!! aku cuma berusaha berpikir real.
Buku2 dan alat2 sekolah itu ga bisa ada begitu saja. Itu ada biaya produksi, distribusi dan lain2nya. Pelayanan kesehatan juga begitu. Setahuku banyak obat2 terutama yang generik itu dapat subsisdi pemerintah sehingga harganya murah sekali dan hampir2 gratis. Tapi rupanya pengobatan gratis itu ditangkapnya juga berlaku untuk penyakit yang berat2..dan kronis, yang butuh pengobatan tingkat tinggi. No way, pemerintah harus mengimportnya...dan itu butuh biaya...tidak bisa gratis. (Terkecuali ada dermawan yang terketuk hatinya untuk membantu, dan itu cukup sering terjadi).
Jadi ya.....menurutku...program pendidikan gratis dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis itu tidak bisa menjadi program mutlak....bagusnya program dampingan. Dan please bapak2 dan ibu2 yang ingin menjabat..jangan menjanjikan hal2 yang seperti ini ke masyarakat hanya demi dapat dukungan...nanti pas ditagih kebingungan lho...jadilah bapak dan ibu berbuat yang tidak2 karena bingung...
Masyarakat juga..sudah waktunya jadi masyarakat yang cerdas..bisa memilah-milah...jangan manja mengharapkan sesuatu yang gampang dan gratis. Kita juga salah seh suka membebankan semua ke pemerintah..bayangin, jajaran pemerintah dari pusat sampai ke desa2....jumlahnya dengan warga yang harus dilayani mungkin 1 : 1 juta.....
Bagaimana pemerintah ga bingung....kalau tiap ada musibah, seperti banjir misalnya..orang pada rame2 minta pemerintah bertanggung jawab...padahal ni ya...itu banjir karena mereka sndiri yang buang sampah sembarangan ke got atau ke sungai...mereka sndiri yang nebangin pohon2..lha kok ya minta pemerintah yang tanggung jawab??? Emangnya kalau lapar, mesti nunggu pemerintah nyuruh makan dulu?? Nggak kann??
Dosa masyarakat juga seh..:D..salah satu bentuk dosanya juga terpampang jelas lewat lembaga yang bernama Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat:D
Come on.. sudah waktunya nih...Indonesia beserta isinya bukan tanggung jawab bapak dan ibu yang berseragam....ini semua tanggung jawab every single person yang memegang Kartu Tanda Penduduk wilayah manapun di Indonesia. Tidak perlu memikirkan skala yg besar...cukup mulai dari hal2 kecil yg persis ada di depan mata kita. Cukup at least 1 hal saja...ndak usahlah mikir terlalu banyak, nanti jadi beban:). Kalau every single person di negara ini sadar akan hal itu...dikalikan jumlah populasi kita...trust me...it's amazing!!!
I got back home at 8 tonight...i always try to leave my office at 5 recently to continue writing proposals for the Foundation I started.
I've been writing 5 proposals so far...one was rejected but I am glad I could move forward with the other one. The rest will take time as they are such long project period from 1 to 3 years implementation.
A friend of mine often comments that I am working too hard. Am I? Let's see....:
From 9 am to at least 5 pm I am working on TNC office, during the office hours I still enjoying small chats with my boss...my colleagues. After 5 pm I will still be opening my laptop and typing proposals..concept..doing budgeting..setting up the business plan for the Foundation...setting agenda that will be instigated by my assistant. I usually go to sleep by 2 or 3 am.
Is that too much?...Let's see
I still do my shopping twice a week. I still go with my friends or my assistant to several favorite spot for eating..or even trying a new reastaurant...I still have a couple of time in a month to go visit a friend...I still could talk to my man on the telephone telling how much I miss him. I still could read books..magazine..and even cook favourite meal on the weekend. In short..I STILL HAVE MY LIFE even that I have to work at least 18 to 20 hours a day.
How is that?
It's a commitment....I know what I am doing..I know what I want to achieve....I beleive in what I am working on...and I like it. I praise my self in each good achievement I made..I cry when I failed and searching at what point I made the mistake.
I should mention also companion....First a man far away in eastern part of Indonesia, he is not an extra ordinary man...he is only a Senior High School graduation doing several small businesses in Papua..very small. But he is the only man who knows how to talk to and handle me. My family..who always believe that I am doing my best. Friends that always like my idea....And also my devoted assistant who always tries her best not to dissapoint me in everything I told her to do.
THANKS for being around me...keep support me with everything I do...it is always about helping and giving chance to someone else..it is so much plesure being useful to someone..yeas..at least one person.
I've been writing 5 proposals so far...one was rejected but I am glad I could move forward with the other one. The rest will take time as they are such long project period from 1 to 3 years implementation.
A friend of mine often comments that I am working too hard. Am I? Let's see....:
From 9 am to at least 5 pm I am working on TNC office, during the office hours I still enjoying small chats with my boss...my colleagues. After 5 pm I will still be opening my laptop and typing proposals..concept..doing budgeting..setting up the business plan for the Foundation...setting agenda that will be instigated by my assistant. I usually go to sleep by 2 or 3 am.
Is that too much?...Let's see
I still do my shopping twice a week. I still go with my friends or my assistant to several favorite spot for eating..or even trying a new reastaurant...I still have a couple of time in a month to go visit a friend...I still could talk to my man on the telephone telling how much I miss him. I still could read books..magazine..and even cook favourite meal on the weekend. In short..I STILL HAVE MY LIFE even that I have to work at least 18 to 20 hours a day.
How is that?
It's a commitment....I know what I am doing..I know what I want to achieve....I beleive in what I am working on...and I like it. I praise my self in each good achievement I made..I cry when I failed and searching at what point I made the mistake.
I should mention also companion....First a man far away in eastern part of Indonesia, he is not an extra ordinary man...he is only a Senior High School graduation doing several small businesses in Papua..very small. But he is the only man who knows how to talk to and handle me. My family..who always believe that I am doing my best. Friends that always like my idea....And also my devoted assistant who always tries her best not to dissapoint me in everything I told her to do.
THANKS for being around me...keep support me with everything I do...it is always about helping and giving chance to someone else..it is so much plesure being useful to someone..yeas..at least one person.
Another year of the life
Aku dah buka kalender tahun 2008 neh.....sekarang udah tanggal 04 January.
Really.,.ga ada yg berubah kan? Masih kerja di konservasi..alhamdullilah sudah hampir 1 tahun. Good job....good learning process..many of very good friends..good salary(hihihihihihih..tetepp)...semua muanya masih sama kok.
I start my first day in the office of this year dengan malas..meja berantakan....bikin jadi tambah malas..tpi malas pula untuk beres-beres, jadi hari ini aku hanya coret2 agenda...setting up apa aja yang akan jadi aku kerjakan bulan pertama tahun ini.
CBAIC projectnya sudah selesai 2 Kabupaten...and it's great. I am now waiting for my staff to submit the activity report to me. I hope I could extend the project..and also I am thingking of several new concepts for possible new projects.
Really.,.ga ada yg berubah kan? Masih kerja di konservasi..alhamdullilah sudah hampir 1 tahun. Good job....good learning process..many of very good friends..good salary(hihihihihihih..tetepp)...semua muanya masih sama kok.
I start my first day in the office of this year dengan malas..meja berantakan....bikin jadi tambah malas..tpi malas pula untuk beres-beres, jadi hari ini aku hanya coret2 agenda...setting up apa aja yang akan jadi aku kerjakan bulan pertama tahun ini.
CBAIC projectnya sudah selesai 2 Kabupaten...and it's great. I am now waiting for my staff to submit the activity report to me. I hope I could extend the project..and also I am thingking of several new concepts for possible new projects.
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