
Managing Partnership with GoI (Government of Indonesia)

After almost 5 years working on the development field, identically related to the Non Government Organization (kalau orang nyebutnya LSM) Internationally or Nationally, the classic issues are always on maintaining the relation with the government who becomes the key stakeholder

I note several things that might be useful for partnership evaluation with GoI, - summary from several resources, especially for small organization.

Monitoring Evaluation toward a partnership program with GoI may be more to an Outcomes Evaluation. Outcomes place the greater emphasis on building strategic and effective partnership, underscoring that no single agency or development actor can produce the desired result on its own, or without ownership. The framework will require a change in mindset and behaviors among partners that is less focus on inputs and the implementation tasks and greater focus on the results.
The afore mentioned framework will come to: - Scope, and – Conduct.

Reviewing the essential performance and contribution of policy, program, project and partnership efforts towards the intended outcomes:
- Progress towards outcomes: analyzing periodically to what extent intended outcomes have actually been achieved or are being achieved. This will verify the achievement and explaining what works/does not work and why.
- Implementing agency contributions – in this case - contribution towards outcomes produced through advocacy, policy advice, activities, etc – analyzing if they are in the process of being produced as planned.
- Partnership strategy: ensure that partners who are concerned with outcomes have a common appreciation of problems and needs, and that they are synchronized in their strategy.

- Progress towards intended results and follow up with decision and action
- Regular reporting to partners presenting issues and seeking integrated solutions to problems.
- Integrated regular monitoring to validate progress
- Participatory to ensure commitment, ownership, follow up and feedback on performance
- Indicators of improving performance
- Assessment on relevance, performance and success
- Learning and improving to adapt strategies and generating lesson, and sharing them

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